Finding Childcare
We understand the vital role that high-quality, stable childcare can play in you successfully navigating work, school, and family commitments. Whether you're looking for daycare providers, early childhood education centers, or summer camp programs, you'll find valuable information to help you make that selection.
1. RU-N Partner Centers
RU-N partners with high-quality childcare centers, preschools, and kindergarten programs throughout New Jersey that offer discounts to employees and students.
2. RU-N Childcare Resources
With the help of the RU-N community, we've compiled a list of daycare providers, early childhood education centers, or summer camp programs throughout New Jersey.
**We encourage you to add centers or programs and update any information that is out of date**
3. Grow NJ Kids
Grow NJ Kids is a state-sponsored initiative to raise the quality of child care and early learning throughout New Jersey.
Grow NJ Kids gives child care and early learning programs resources to assess and improve their programs, while providing parents with information that allows them to evaluate the quality of programs and make the best choices for their child. The goal is to create a system that encourages ongoing improvement.
4. Family, Friend, Neighbor Provider
Families participating in the child care subsidy programs have the option to select a family member, friend or neighbor to care for their children. This provider is an individual who has been evaluated and approved by the NJ Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development (DHS/DFD) or its designee and serves no more than two unrelated children for fewer than 24 hours of care per day.
5. Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development
The Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development can support you with information about licensing, a search to find child care and inspection reports and information on what makes a quality program.
6. Child Care Connection
Child Care Connection provides the tools and education to give each child the very best start in life. They believe that every child should have access to safe, healthy, nurturing, enriching, and respectful early childhood education and expanded learning opportunities, such as out-of-school time and summer camp experiences. By guiding and connecting families, educating and supporting providers, and informing and standing with the community, they seek to set the standard of high-quality child care resource and referral in New Jersey.
7. New Brunswick Free Public Library
The New Brunswick Library offers a variety of child-friendly programs, games and books. The library also offers free drop-in after school tutoring for children grades K-12. In addition, their website has links to online homework help sites that are useful to grade school children.